Thursday, May 29, 2008

Please tell me that potty training isn't this messy

Since she pretty much does everything else all by herself (*sob) I decided to let Gillian try to feed herself with a spoon. She's almost 14 months old now, fairly well coordinated, and Daddy wasn't home to fuss if she did make a mess on the brand new carpet. So what the heck, I gave her the spoon and ducked for cover. She (and the dogs waiting joyously below the highchair) thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and I learned just how frickin far food could really fly. She actually got some on the ceiling..9 feet up! Now I just have to go find a ladder and clean it up before Daddy gets home....


About Stacey said...

9 feet up, eh? That's impressive. You have to give her credit though! That whole spoon to bowl to mouth thing is not easy! I've seen adults that didn't do half as good a job!

Taralyn said...

Isn't it so sad that they are no longer babies. We definitely have toddlers now. :(